Restaurant Brand Design 
Sign and Graphics, a bimonthly Indian journal of the signage industry, published the case study of restaurant branding by OH! Design Studio. Titled as Combining Urban Experience With Indian Staple In Restaurant Brand Design, the case study talks about how OH! Design Studio, through its brand design process,  was able reinforce the sense of place and aptly convey the quality and style of the dining experience.

One of the key aspects of restaurant brand design is consistency. Your restaurant's branding may accurately represent who you are, but it must be executed consistently. Bringing that brand identity to life means getting a cohesive look for the restaurant in the interior design, signage, menu design, website, social media, etc.

When you go through this restaurant brand design case study notice how the overall feel of the restaurant consistently aligns with the brand identity created OH! Design Studio.

restaurant brand design

 About OH! Design Studio:

OH! Design Studio is a Mumbai-based branding & design agency. Founded in 2006, OH! Design Studio is a branding and design agency with a passion for launching, rebranding and accelerating brands.
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product packaging design 
Effective cosmetic branding and packaging design helps in pushing potential customers to take the product off the shelves and buy them. Skincare consumers are cautious and savvy. They choose products that align with their personal values. Hence, for skincare products, packaging is one of the most important brand touch point to communicate the brand's values or core belief, so that it creates an instant connect with the potential customer.

OH! Design Studio designed the brand identity and product packaging for a London-based organic skincare brand. Through the typographic mnemonic and the subtle line patterns representing facial and earth contour, the identity connects well with the brand’s core belief i.e. all our beauty needs can be met from the Earth’s natural resources.

For packaging designs, view the presentation below:


Beauty Product Branding And Packaging By OH! Design Studio from OH! Design Studio
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product packaging design agency mumbai Product packaging design requires more than a good eye, especially food products.

Graphic designers who design packaging have to focus on creating a strong brand through effective design.

But what makes a good or an effective packaging design for F&B?

Packaging keeps the product safe, but another important function of packaging is to convey information to the buyer and the user about the contents within. An experienced packaging design agency understands that a simple and clear packaging design should be able to achieve that within first few seconds.

In other words, when a customer picks up this packaged product, she should immediately be able to tell what the food product is, its type and of course what brand it is.

Next time when you go shopping in a supermarket, notice how you look at products placed on the shelf. You might find yourself just glancing at them, not in detail and never in isolation. And then a distinctive and relatively more appealing packaging design catches your attention. That’s when you generally decide to take a closer look at the product.

packaging design agency mumbai

A successful packaging design is not necessarily the most good looking one. It should be able to stand out from the clutter.

Related ArticlePackaging Tips for Successful Branding

A beautiful design doesn’t always guarantee that. But a research of your competitor’s product packaging design does help.

When you get a client brief for food packaging design or say wine label design, ask them how they want their product to be seen by the shoppers. Do they want to slot their product as a price driven value brand or a premium brand?

As a graphic designer working on consumer product packaging design, you must find out how your client wants the F&B brand to come across and target what kind of buyer segment. You will be able to choose a more appropriate tone and use subtle details to appeal to that category of buyers though your design.

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brochure designer in mumbaiIn the digital age, the definition of marketing collateral has evolved to include digital assets like website, eBooks, etc.

Most likely you already knew that :) What you want to know is whether brochures are still relevant. Do people still interact with a printed brochure in the age of new media? Is it worth investing in them?

Don’t be surprised if I say marketing brochures are still an important part of the marketing mix. Big or small, enterprise or start-up, B2B or B2C, organisations use brochures for communicating with customers at different touch points.

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Take a look at the ways to make use of marketing brochures or the types of marketing brochures.

Here are four reasons why brochures are still considered an important marketing collateral to showcase the brand and its offerings.

1. A Break from the Digital Monotony

What was new and novel has turned into a pile of clutter. We skim through countless emails and articles every day. Mechanically move from one to the next. Printed marketing brochures offer a break from this digital monotony. It offers an alternative medium to connect with your audience.

Also, imagine reaching out to CXO audience through email. Well most probably you won’t pass through their assistant’s sight. A physical copy of a printed brochure occupies real estate on the CXO’s desk.

2. Tangible Impression

Well designed and appealing print collateral still has the power to make a tangible impression. It hits you straight. It literally adds weight to your brand’s presence. And that experience is derived from the intersection of a nice design, content and the quality or print and paper. Creative brochure designers skilled in brand design use content and design in harmony with the overall brand guidelines. That helps in strengthening the brand image.

3. A way to Drive Traffic to Digital Channels

Printed brochures offer a way to drive traffic to digital channels. To maximize the impact of your marketing plan, think beyond the single dimension approach and integrate digital and print. Whether it is our product catalog communicating with your customers post purchase, or an exhibition giveaway brochure targeting prospects in pre-purchase stage, every type of brochure can be designed to drive traffic to your organisation’s digital channel. The trick is to integrate it properly within the content of the brochure.

4. Tap Physical Customer Presence

Finally, no matter how much time your target audience spends online, they still exist in the physical world. They still go to retail store or attend events. They still visit their doctor’s clinic and they still spend considerable amount of time offline. What better way to tap their physical presence with an impressive printed brochure.

Digital age has given a new power to printed marketing collateral to re-engage the target audience. The key lies in giving a clear purpose to the brochures and integrating them wisely in the overall integrated marketing plan.

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With all its top management issues and legal hassles, the Tata brand name still enjoys strong appeal.

Walmart didn’t just buy an e-commerce company in India, they bought Flipkart-–a brand. Just because a company is making losses, doesn’t mean that its brand is not valuable.

The case of Maggi’s resurgence after Nestle India was cleared of any misconduct is a case in point.

Be it in India or in more evolved markets, branding plays a role in earning the psychological goodwill in the mind of their consumers.

Yet, world over not many companies hold branding as one of their core business activities. Branding in India is no exception.

But where India falls short is that in spite of having the vision to adopt a brand-driven approach, there are not enough examples to follow here. That’s where an external consultant can bring in a lot of knowledge and experience from within and across industries. Branding is a niche area of operation. Even for companies which have strong marketing departments may have much to gain from a specialist branding perspective.

You might also be interested in: Role of branding in B2B

Secondly, most Indian companies have not yet understood the impact of social media in branding. It’s surprising how easily even corporate marketers in India discount the influence of social media branding on the long term development of the brand. It’s high time companies embrace online branding in a more holistic way and stop delegating social media management to inexperienced interns or time-starved employees who have nothing to do with marketing.

About OH! Design Studio

OH! Design Studio is an integrated creative and digital firm in India. Established in 2006, the firm provides branding, design and digital services across various sectors and verticals. The firm’s key service verticals include Branding, Packaging, Digital Marketing and Space Design.

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According to the CMO Survey report 2019 (see footnote), CMOs are increasing the social media marketing spends.

This, as per the survey, is inspite of a relatively modest contribution of social media to enterprise performance.

So Why are CMOs Doubling their Social Media Investments now?

Following reasons have been identified for this trend in 2019:

1. Social media can provide powerful insights about the consumers. Beyond the engagement, social media help in sentiment analysis,measuring online behaviour of consumers and brand engagement.

2. Social media is made for mobile and mobile is the future of consumer engagement. Visual content and short updates are apt for social media and consumers interact with this bite-size chunks throughout the day using their mobile devices. That not only helps in building consumer profile but also amp up the marketers’ reach though post likes, shares and comments. Esp. the latter part is not possible with digital advertising.

3. Social media engagement and ad reinforcement is more memorable than the extremely costly digital advertising. As consumers are exposed to so many ads per day, it’s unlikely for individual interactions to realise returns.

4. Social media as a platform can be controlled and is relatively low-cost to operate. Companies can continually test campaigns on their platform, get immediate results, and scale successful outcomes.

Note: According to this survey, outside social media agencies continue to play an important role in guiding social media activities in companies, with this survey recording the highest level of engagement in several years.

The CMO Survey is sponsored by the American Marketing Association, Deloitte and Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business.

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social media agency in mumbaiDid you know that 77% of customers would recommend a brand to a friend after having a single positive experience [1]

And if you care for good customer experience, then you cannot afford to undermine the importance of customer service. According to a study by Hubspot[2], 93% of customers are likely to make repeat purchases with companies who offer excellent customer service.

Customer service is always going to be a crucial aspect of customer experience. But in the digital age, it is also lot more visible to everyone.

Consumers have started taking their customer service inquiries online, including offline retail customers. For someone who made a purchase through an online channel, chances of her engaging online for post-purchase sales are high. For retail store customers, social media is a quicker way, although it’s likely that they might do it publicly.

Hence from online reviews to customer complaints and issues, everything is easier to find on social media than ever before.

And this customer experience feedback is not sitting isolated on social platforms. Everyone is so connected on social media. That makes a perfect case for brands to use social media as a customer service tool. In fact, many brands have developed significantly more active social accounts, all for the sake of interacting with the massive user base spread across social media channels.

One of the common social media mistakes which businesses overlook is that they ignore comments. Even brands with dedicated resources sometimes overlook such an important aspect of brand experience.

  • Offering customer service on social media offers an easy way to speak directly to the customer.
  • Answering a customer complaint can increase customer advocacy by as much as 25%, meaning that responding to complaints can help create loyal customers [3].
  • Using social media for customer service helps in building good reputation by highlighting positive reviews and customer experience stories. It also allows dealing with negative reviews or bad experience quickly
  • It gives an opportunity to collect all the data and identify trends, common customer pain points or requests for new features/products.

If you believe that good customer experience leads to better brand advocacy and improved sales, then do not ignore the customer service opportunity on social media platform. For professional assistance, work with a professional social media agency.

OH! Design Studio is an integrated branding and social media agency in Mumbai. The firm has provided social media services to various B2B & B2C clients like software, F&B, SaS, electronics, fashion, etc.





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